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Colibri Boutique

The Gullum Earrings

The Gullum Earrings

Regular price $25.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $25.00 USD
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Delicate piece of Mapuche silver jewelry, completely made and polished by hand in 925 silver. The process begins with silver shot or silver grain. First, they melt it by hand, exposing it to high temperatures until they obtain a sheet. From that laminate (just as their ancestors did with copper) they cut and design each part of this piece. The design includes birds with dangling pinpines representing spirits of protective ancestors. 

Delicada pieza de platería Mapuche, totalmente elaborada y pulida a mano en plata 925. El proceso comienza con plata granalla o plata en grano. Primero la funden de forma artesanal, exponiendola a altas temperaturas hasta conseguir una lámina. A partir de ese laminado (igual como lo hacían sus antepasados con el cobre) cortan y calan cada parte de esta pieza. Su diseño lleva aves con pequeños  pinpines colgando representando protection ancestral.

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